Friday, May 18, 2012

Quiet day

Lots of things going on right now, but little craft related.

I'm kinda in-between things at the moment. I'll be finishing up a new illusion tote in tan and black this weekend. I also have a pale green and white set of potholders on the needles as bedside knitting.

But I am thinking that my pile of plastic bags is getting out of hand. So I will force myself to sit down at some point this weekend and make up a bunch of plarn.

Plarn, for those that don't know, is yarn created from the plastic bags that, in some places, you get from the grocery and other type stores.

Here's some of the plarn items I have made in the past.

Not sure that I will make in this batch, though most likely, some sort of hobo bag, book bag or such.

If you have a request, please leave it in the comment section!

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