Friday, August 31, 2012

Almost there

The move is complete. Most of the new place is put together and organized.

Yesterday I got all the material that I have here sorted and the sewing area mostly set up. My yarn is organized and ready to go.

Only area left is the shelving unit holding the misc. supplies and paperwork. That will be done today, and that will allow me to clear of the craft table.

Meaning, by tomorrow, I can be back to work making new items for the store!

But that does not mean I have been doing no crafting.

Last night I had some down time, but close to bedtime, so I needed something relaxing. I had been thinking about some things that the bathroom could use to pretty it up a bit and watching Torchwood.

And this is what I accomplished before I went to bed:
Yes, it is a Dalek toilet paper cozy.

It's free-form, using no pattern, done in black and silver. If I make another one, I will make a few changes - for one, the eye-stalk looks too much like a beak to me, and the dome needs to be a bit bigger and stuffed so it does not cave in.

But I am happy with it, for a three hour, off-the-cuff project.

I should have new items in the store come Tuesday. Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend, everyone!

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